Insufficient Identification for Passport Application

The U.S. Department of State Passport Agency has strict guidelines for ALL passport applicants. A common reason passport applications are suspended or denied is due to insufficient identification submitted with the passport application. The requirements for identification can be found in our Resources Section. Unfortunately, the U.S. Department of State does not disclose the specific reason for rejections or suspensions based on insufficient identification documents. The suspension or rejection can be issued even if the applicant submitted a drivers license, birth certificate, and an item for supplemental identification.
Applicants will be notified by letter that the identification provided is not sufficient for passport purposes. Applicants will need to submit photocopies of five (5) or more personal documents, which are five (5) years or older. We have included a list of acceptable forms of personal documents that may assist The Passport Agency in establishing your identity. However, you may choose to submit any other document in your possession that shows your name and photo (with issue date) or name and signature (with issue date). These documents are preferred.
- Driver’s license
- School yearbook photograph with your name and photo, also with school’s name and year that it was issued
- U.S. Passports
- Newspaper/Magazine articles (with your photo & name, news paper’s name & date)
- Employment identification card
- Professional license (ex. nurse, pilot, mechanic, etc)
- Federal, State or Municipal identification card
- Military identification
- Student identification card
SIGNED IDENTIFICATION ITEMS (Should have your legal signature and date)
· Military records such as DD-214
- Selective Service registration card
- Union membership (bearing name/signature or name/photo and issuance date)
- Medicare/health insurance card
- Welfare card
- Marriage certificates
- Medical records
- Voter’s registration card
- Children’s birth certificates
- Social Security card
- Traffic ticket
If you were raised abroad you may also submit*:
- Foreign school records with name, photo and date
- Foreign passports
- Foreign driver’s license (valid or expired)
- Foreign government issued identification, such as voter’s registration cards or national identification cards.
*If in a language other than English, please provide an official translation.
The information you submit must be sufficient to establish your entitlement to a U.S. passport in accordance with the relevant provisions of Part 51 of Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Your passport application will be denied and your citizenship evidence will be returned to you if you do not submit sufficient forms of ID. By law, the passport execution and application fees are non-refundable. For more information on Supplemental Forms of ID, please click here.
Posted by david